The word "Tasbihat" is the plural of Tasbih (also called as Tasbeh ) .. Misbaha means prayer beads or rosary and originates from the word "Subha" (also pronounced sebha), which means to
recite the glories of God (Allah).
Tesbih with 99 beads symbolize the ninety nine names of God in Islam. Sometimes only 33 beads are used, in this case Tesbih would be cycled 3 times to reach 99.
The main phrase repeated through the first thirty three beads is "Süphanallah" which means "Praise be to God." For the next thirty three beads is "Alhamdollellah" which means "Thank you God," and the third 33 beads is "AllahoAkbar" which means "God is the Great, is repeated. After these repetitions a final prayer is said,
bringing the total number of prayers, as dictated by the Koran, to one-hundred